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Nau mai, haere mai

Want a hand getting
or staying well?
Tui Ora can help.

Our hauora and social services support every member of the whānau – from hapū māmā and pēpi all the way through to kuia and koro. If you’re ready to get it sorted – we’re here to help you make it happen.

Call 0800 TUI ORA or come in and kōrero today – you don’t even need an appointment!

Ready to feel better? Call 0800 TUI ORA

Find out more about Tui Ora and the unique way we approach caring for our whānau

Family sitting on front steps of their house
How we help

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it. Find out what you can expect from Tui Ora and learn more about our mana-affirming, holistic approach to whānau hauora.

“Tui Ora has reminded me what I had to offer to the world.”
“They took the time to understand what we wanted.”
“I felt someone was listening to me for once.”
drop in for a kōrero
Our kaiārahi
journey with you.
Te Whaitua Whānau is a safe space where we welcome you with a cuppa, a kōrero and specialist, judgement-free support.