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Helpful Resources

Check out this curated collection of some of the best, free hauora resources. You’ll find links to websites recommended by our hauora professionals, free digital downloads and other digital tools.

Hauora Hacks

I use the ADHD hack of putting on shoes when I want to be productive. It tricks my brain into “work mode” and is great for smashing out jobs around the around the house!

How we help

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it. Find out what you can expect from Tui Ora and learn more about our mana-affirming, holistic approach to whānau hauora.

“Tui Ora has reminded me what I had to offer to the world.”
“They took the time to understand what we wanted.”
“I felt someone was listening to me for once.”
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journey with you.
Te Whaitua Whānau is our safe space where we welcome you with a cuppa, a kōrero and specialist, judgement-free support.
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