Whānau enrolled in our GP Clinic Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau.
Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau practice is not enrolling new patients currently. Our Navigator Service can help find you a local doctor if you need one.
Enrolled patients: Call us on (06) 759 7310 — press option #2
Appointments can also be made via our patient portal MyIndici
Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau is a full-service general practice (GP) clinic (formally called Tui Ora Family Health) which supports enrolled whānau with:
Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau has a holistic view of care, ensuring whānau can access a wide range of services and overcome many traditional barriers to health and wellbeing. As part of Tui Ora we can refer to all Tui Ora services, including our new Rongoa service through which whānau can receive funded (free) mirimiri.
Ngāmotu — 36 Maratahu Street (look for the yellow signage)
Whaitara — Whaitara Health Centre, cnr McLean St and Grey St, Whaitara
Standard consultation fees for enrolled patients:
All fees charged are for a 15-minute consultation.
Additional charges apply for: