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Consumer Advocacy and Peer Support (CAPS)

This service is for

Taranaki whānau Māori with mental health and addiction challenges.

What you can expect

We empower tāngata whaiora (people seeking health), and their whānau, to be actively involved in their own care and recovery. Our peer support advocates have lived experience of mental unwellness and recovery, and  they provide judgement free peer-to-peer support from a position of understanding. Support includes:

  • Exploring pathways and options
  • Assisting whānau to identify, set and achieve goals
  • Acting on your behalf
  • Connecting you with support inside and outside Tui Ora
  • Arranging and attending appointments or hui with you
  • Social and creative activities that support metal and physical hauora
  • Developing and nurturing new and existing connections and supports
  • Developing resilience and skills to overcome day-to-day challenges

This is a free service

for Taranaki whānau.

You can access this service

at our Ngāmotu and Hāwera locations.

To find out more or connect to this service