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We welcome you

What to


at Tui Ora

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it

Nau mai, haere mai – welcome to Tui Ora. Here’s a bit of a run down about how we do things and what you can expect.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your hauora journey, we’re ready to support you all the way.

Fully-funded, free services for whānau

Apart from visits to our onsite GP Clinic for enrolled Tui Ora Hauora a-Whānau patients, all our other services and programmes are fully funded and free for whānau.

You don’t need an appointment

Te Whaitua Whānau is our drop in whānau space. Call in when it suits you and let us welcome and maanaki you. We’re open Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm

We hook you up with hauora help

Te Whaitua Whānau is not only a gateway to all our great Tui Ora services but to other useful hauora, health and social services providers as well. We kōrero with you, kōrero with them, and create a plan for your situation.

Get yourself connected

A key difference you’ll notice at Tui Ora is we believe all components of  hauora are connected. Our kaimahi work in multidisciplinary teams to support your entire whānau.

Hauora is a journey

When you’re ready, your Tui Ora kaiārahi will  help you begin, then walk beside you until you can stand alone, living a powerful life. A kaiārahi is a hauora guide who will listen, explain your options and support you, and your whānau, so you can achieve the goals you set.

We’ll come to you

Tui Ora kaiārahi, nurses, hauora specialists, and carers can visit you at home, at school, on the marae — wherever it feels safe for you .We have a range of mobile services and regularly hold public pop-up clinics and community hauora wananga.

We welcome you
We welcome you
Drop in and let us manaaki you and get to know each other. We like to start with a cuppa and a kōrero. There’s zero pressure, judgement or fees. Just good people ready to support your whānau to reach your mana ora.
We’ll help you begin
We help you begin
After we’ve earned your trust, we’ll listen to understand what’s going on in your world. Together we can figure out what winning looks like for you and then make a plan to take you from where you are, to where you want to be.
We’ll stay beside you
We stay beside you
After connecting you with the right people and services, we don’t disappear. We continue to walk beside you during your hauora journey. Drop in to our new whānau space — te whaitua whānau — to connect as you want.
TŪ Mai
Standing on Your Own
Standing on your own
In this part of the journey whānau work together to look after their hauora. Tui Ora is like a safety net or scaffold giving you the confidence to climb higher and set ever more ambitious goals. You know you’ve got this (and that we're on your team).
Mana ora
Living a powerful life
Living a Powerful life
If your goals are humble or huge, you can follow the same, safe, supported process to reach them. At Tui Ora we call it the Whānau Hapai Pathway and we warmly encourage you to take your first step – drop in and have a kōrero.
Your Rights

At Tui Ora we work hard to make sure seeing us is a mana-affirming experience. Our whānau are protected by a Code of Rights. If you feel you’ve been let down, you can korero with Tui Ora on 06 759 4064 or the Health and Disability Commissioner on 0800 11 22 33.


Yes. Apart from visits to our GP clinic Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau, Tui Ora services are free.

Our services are available to all in need.  While we are a kaupapa Māori organisation and focused on raising hauora outcomes for Māori, we support people from all backgrounds, walks of life and ethnicities.

Most of our services and programmes have no restrictions on who can use them.

Some have specific entry criteria because they have been designed for a particular group or demographic (hapu māmā, those living with long-term health challenges, Community Service card holders etc). Come in and kōrero.

This is your space, a place Tui Ora has created for whānau. You don’t need an appointment – or even a reason – just call in and let us manaaki you.

As well as being the perfect place for a cuppa and a korero, Te Whaitua Whānau has private spaces where you can talk openly with our hauora specialists and kaiārahi.

If you would like to work at Tui Ora, we’d love to hear from you. Visit our Careers page —you can see what jobs are going, learn a bit about what it’s like to work here and submit your CV so we can get to know you and get in touch if the right opportunity comes up.

The short answer is yes! While we may not be able to enrol you at our onsite GP clinic Tui Ora Hauora ā-Whānau (depending on whether they are taking new patients) finding GPs for whānau is part of our everyday mahi. Drop in to Te Whaitua Whānau and we’ll get you sorted.

drop in for a kōrero
Our kaiārahi
journey with you.
Te Whaitua Whānau is our safe space where we welcome you with a cuppa, a kōrero and specialist, judgement-free support.
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