Our co-chair is Principal of her own employment law firm, Auckland-based Shelley Kopu Law. During her more than 20 year career Shelley she has held senior positions in law firms, large private companies and accountancy firms.
Shelley is a trustee of Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust and Youthline, and is a Director of the new Plymouth District Council’s Council Controlled Trading Organisation (CCTO) Papa Rererangi i Puketapu Ltd (PRIP) which oversees New Plymouth airport. She is also a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. In November 2016 Shelley became a Tui Ora director. She was appointed co-chair in 2023.
Shelley grew up in Hamilton and Wellington but has whakapapa links to Taranaki and Poneke. Her father is Te Atiawa and from Waitara, and her mother, who is Pākehā, is from Hāwera.