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We’ll help you begin



Koiora | Life

Everyone’s hauora is positively and negatively affected by everyday life. Our income, housing situation, education and lived experience all impact on our physical and mental health. If there’s something happening (or not happening) that’s making life harder for you and your whānau, chances are we can support you to get it sorted.

Give us a call on 0800 TUI ORA or just drop into Te Whaitua Whānau — no appointment necessary.

What’s on top right now?

Our kaiārahi will manaaki you and kōrero to understand how can we help. We work in flexible, multi-disciplinary teams (a fancy way of saying we bring together the right mix of hauora professionals for each individual) and have programmes and services that can support every member of the whānau regardless of their age or stage.

As well as supporting you to get your immediate concerns sorted, we will encourage you to think about what winning looks like for your whānau longer term.

Our consumer advocates can help you navigate organisations and systems outside Tui Ora – even those not directly related to health.

General life services

Something doesn’t need to be health related to impact your hauora. Discover services designed to support whānau to live well.

Wānanga is a superpower

When we put our heads together – the results are spectacular! Our Whānau Ora team hold public wananga on topics including Te Hotoke Ora (Winter Wellness), Mara Kai and Te Ihu Waka/Driver Licencing.

Tui Ora staff smiling to camera

Navigate, advocate

A kaiārahi is an advocate, a coach, a navigator and a safe place all in one. We will kōrero with you – listening more than we speak – to understand where you are and where you want to be. The kaiārahi at Tui Ora support lots of different whānau in lots of different ways, including:

  • Finding and explaining the different social services and support available.
  • Connecting you with the right people, programmes and services.
  • Ongoing support and encouragement for as long as you want it.

Hauora at Home

Check out our Mindful Movement videos – easy, simple exercises you can fit into your daily life that strengthen muscles, make you feel good and generally provide a boost to your hauora and wellbeing

Hauora Hacks

If you’re setting up new healthy habits, start small and don’t over commit – start with one walk a week or one piece of fruit a day. Choose something achievable for you.

How we help

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it. Find out what you can expect from Tui Ora and learn more about our mana-affirming, holistic approach to whānau hauora.

“Tui Ora has reminded me what I had to offer to the world.”
“They took the time to understand what we wanted.”
“I felt someone was listening to me for once.”
drop in for a kōrero
Our kaiārahi
journey with you.
Te Whaitua Whānau is our safe space where we welcome you with a cuppa, a kōrero and specialist, judgement-free support.
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