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We’ll help you begin


a healthy


Hinengaro | Mind

How we think has a massive influence on how we feel and live. But stats show that almost half of us (47%) will experience mental distress or illness – with the odds being even higher for Māori, tāngata whaikaha (people living with disability), the Rainbow community, and young people. But we can help. Tui Ora has hauora specialists and kaiārahi (many with lived experience) to support whānau living with mental illness, wanting to overcome addiction or experiencing mental distress.

Give us a call on 0800 TUI ORA or just drop into Te Whaitua Whānau — no appointment necessary.

Person standing in forest

Oranga Hinengaro / Māori Mental Health 

Tui Ora has services designed to support whānau Māori living with a mental health diagnosis. We awhi tāngata whaiora (people seeking health) with clinical care and hauora support so they can manage their diagnosis and live powerfully. Our Oranga Hinengaro Services include:

Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellness is critical to our happiness and hauora – yet most of us will experience some kind of mental or social distress during our lives. Our kaiārahi kōrero with you to understand what’s going on in your world. We can support you to develop and nurture healthy wellbeing habits and sort out many common things that causse stress and distress. We’re here for all, regardless of age or stage, but have a number of programmes that support the mental wellbeing of specific groups.

Overcoming Addictions

When you’re ready to quit, we’re here to support you. Our team have lived experience. We understand where you are, because we’ve been there too. No matter what form your addiction takes, change is possible and help is here.

Hauora at Home

Check out our Mindful Movement videos – easy, simple exercises you can fit into your daily life that strengthen muscles, make you feel good and generally provide a boost to your hauora and wellbeing.

Hauora Hacks

Waiting time doesn’t need to be wasted time. When you’re on hold, in a queue or waiting anywhere, focus on mindful breathing. Breath in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4 and repeat — it calms your nervous system right down!

How we help

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it. Find out what you can expect from Tui Ora and learn more about our mana-affirming, holistic approach to whānau hauora.

“Tui Ora has reminded me what I had to offer to the world.”
"They took the time to understand what we wanted."
“It felt really safe.”
drop in for a kōrero
Our kaiārahi
journey with you.
Te Whaitua Whānau is our safe space where we welcome you with a cuppa, a kōrero and specialist, judgement-free support.
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